Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Solr on Jetty as a Windows Service

Solr ships with Jetty which is a HTTP Server and servlet cotainer. You can run Solr as a service by either using Tomcat ( or you can configure Jetty to run as a service.
To run Solr inside of Jetty as a service

1. Download the latest stable Jetty distribution 

2. Copy the bin folder in Jetty over to example folder in your Solr instance 

3. You will also need to copy lib\win32 folder over to example\lib and etc\jetty-win32-service.xml to example\etc 

4. Add the following to example\bin\jetty-service.conf after the line: "" 

5. Now, run the following commands
Jetty-Service.exe --install jetty-service.conf 
net start jetty6-service 
This installs the instance as a service and starts it. You can now run your Solr instance as a windows service and do a start/stop/restart anytime you like.

To check if Solr is running you access the solr admin console at http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/

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